Friday 28 January 2022

Teething pains.

My dear Friends and new Visitors,


How y'all doing?

I been listening to The Experts who say that writers must have newsletter, webpage, landing page, to promote writing business. 

So, this week, after a li'l teething pain with this new bit of tech thing, this is what I create for a landing page:

Neena Maiya, author.

And yesterday, guess where I been!

More about this later!

I got to go and cook lunch.

I dunno what to cook!


Have a lovely weekend. Plenty love, neena xxx.


  1. I like your landing page - which is more accurately a launching page for all the destinations it gives the viewers.
    I hope your teeth (literal and metaphoric) settle down and behave nicely.

    1. Child, thank you!! It seems to have generated some interest. At least now, I don't have to be telling everyone, piece by piece, where they can find the e-book.

      I survived the dentist. I still have more work to do. aaaaaaaa

  2. I wish I could advise you on ways forward, especially as I have become utterly disillusioned with the "experts" who tell us the way to succeed is...
    I have someone who follows me on Instagram who promotes themselves as a social media expert and posts ever day with tips and tricks on growing your following, but she has considerably fewer follower than me and doesn't seem to be gaining them very quickly.
    Surely if she knew all her stuff she would have tens of thousands, not a couple of hundred?
    Google how to improve your ratings/following/sales and they all say the same thing. But we do all these things and nothing much improves.
    I think everyone is just repeating what everyone else is saying, and so it seems true.
    However, please keep your youthful enthusiasm and energy as that is far more likely to make you successful than becoming a cynical, grumpy old person (which I seem to be becoming at an accelerated rate)

  3. Kim, I've looked at what others are doing...they use it to build relationships, chat with others who are interested in the same things that I'm interested with. For example, writers chat with other writers, and they chat with readers.

    Social media isn't a "hard sell" place, if you know what I mean.

    I should've listened to the experts long ago when they said start building a relationship with book readers lonnnnng before I started writing my books.

    I've made sales for the e-book. And many others are waiting for the paper-book.
