Dear Everyone,
How have y'all been doing?
Me? Imagine a face growing shiny and round with happiness, then deflating at 180 miles per hour. That would be my face.
Y'see, I'm almost done with this book I'm writing (yet another book), but to publish means:
1. I would have to find an agent who would find a publisher. Agents are the prima donnas of the book world and you have to woo them with more fervour than Don Juan trying to sweet-talk a woman. Now if all of them except one turned down J. K. Rowling, what chance does a li'l 3rd world wala like me have?
2. I would have to self-publish via a local printer. These local printers eat money. They eat, and the po' writer gets the diarrhoea. Also, not many people buy books in this here jungle. I am going to end up with a roomful of very expensive loo-paper.
3. I can self-publish online. Wow. Yeah. How clever. Bring out the fireworks. That's what I've been planning all along.
But guess wot?
Our banks don't accept payment via online.
That's the joy going outta my happy balloony face, see me lying deflated on de ground.
I've been asking the bank staff, can't y'all do something about it? Think of the potential...foreign exchange earnings coming in.
I don't know if y'all ever see people answer-not-answer.
Anyway, I've read a report that says a group of business people have been lobbying for a chance for citizens to sell online and receive payments via Paypal.
So, all being well...progress might come to dis here tird world country too.