Sunday, 2 June 2024

Time for good changes.

My lovely friends, if you still pass by this place...

A couple of weeks ago, I had a' epiphany. I realise that I got to start looking for the good in this alien land whilst being caregiver to me Aged Ma.

I been working on me Substack newsletter, Emails From Neena Maiya, which is chock full o' stories from home. No, I ain't dwelling in nostalgia, I am only writing about what I know best...examining life through the people of my country.

I had to think what I want to do with this blog. I ain't want to close it 'cos is a nice way to keep in touch with bloggers. 

Right now, I trying to start up a li'l business. If I only share with you the horror story of what a certain foreign company do in Guyana, you gon cry. 

Long story short, they leave me hanging on with me pockets empty like some politicians' head. So here me is, trying to start up a li'l business. Hopefully, I can use it to help others too.

Okay, thaz all for now. I would really appreciate if you check out my Substack newsletter, I promise you gon have a great time reading especially if you in the loo. Heh.

Cheers for now, xx.


  1. It is wonderful to see a new post from you - and I hope your business thrives. In answer to your question on my blog sadly I don't know what happened to Joey - and hope he and his family are well.

    1. Hello Child, I've forgotten how much I love being here. I like the calmness of it. I miss Joey and I too hope that all's well.

  2. Best wishes for the business! Look forward to seeing what you're going to do. And if I can help in any way then please let me know :)

  3. Hello Kim. :-) I was looking at your blog and wondering if you've decided to stay only with *that place* :-D

    Ohhhh, thank you so very much for your offer to help. I do so appreciate your kind offer. I will explain what it is about soon.

    1. The real problem with my blog is I don't have it built into my routine any more and can't seem to prioritise the time to do so. In the early days of my podcast, I would always do a blog the following day. But this meant my podcast was taking up the best part of 3 days - from the preparation to the delivery to all the post-podcast social media stuff. As we came out of Lockdown I couldn't afford that much of my week so the blog got dropped and now it's only a very occasional thing.
      There is always the hope that at some point I will be able to come back to it with more regularity.
      Meanwhile I look forward to finding out more about your enterprise! :)

  4. Kim, every time I come here, I realise how much I prefer here. I’ve always found bloggers to be so easy to chat with. Here is a quiet space, and when I write, I throw everything into it without feeling I’ll be judged. What I write is what I write and I don’t have to worry about anything.

    I want to make sure I write here every Sunday…but sometimes, people come visiting…

    If you’re ready to blog again, you’ll know.

    The small business idea is this: I want to give people ideas, those who are searching. And I would, for a fee, help them develop it…for example, some people know they want to rear chickens but don’t know what else they can do to make money rearing chickens. And I can teach them how to write ads. And I hope to be able to suggest products that can help them rear chickens better. I hope I can use affiliate marketing to earn.

    This is along with pushing my creative work…I’m also writing some children’s stories (not cutesey-poo ones though, haha).

    1. Kim, that was me, neena, I don’t know how it came out as Anonymous.
