Friday, 19 February 2021

Free cinema in March

 My dear friends, 

If you want to know what I gon be doing in March....look!!

Woman Scream Cinema 2021 | Film Selection.

Click HERE HERE HERE to check out what's coming.

Stay safe, love, neena xx.

Thursday, 11 February 2021


 Dear Kindle Readers,

I hope you been able to get de book!

(Trust me, it gon take you right into a home full o'...lemme leave it up to you to decide...).

If you find it a bit difficult to download, this is what you got to do:

Click on this link here:

Big Ole Home By De Sea on Smashwords.

Just below the description of the book, you gon see: First 10% Sample.

Next to that, you gon see mobi (Kindle). Click on that box. Follow the instructions.

Tah dah.

Welcome weary wanderer! Shake off the dust of that hard world outside. Rest. Eat. Drink.

Peace and love to all. xxx neena.